Zalando task groups and tasks creation.
Last updated
Zalando task groups and tasks creation.
Last updated
IMPORTANT: The address that you'll set must correspond to the Zalando region you're going to run.
The first thing you'll have to do is to create the groups where you will put all the tasks you'd like to run. In order to do that click on the "ADD GROUP" button in the task section of the bot, then select "Zalando" in the selection menu and assign a name to the group.
SUGGESTION: If you are using PAYPAL as payment method and you want the task to perform the checkout autonomously be sure to set the "ACO" to Active If you want to receive paypal payment link into your webhook be sure to set the "Paypal" field to "webhook"
Once that your groups are ready you have to create tasks inside them, click on the bottom left button "ADD TASK" and the following task creation menu will pop out.
Fields explanation:
You can now set pickup point keyword for using the address2 field in the profile
Country: Select the country you want to run
Mode: Release(exclusive) Release(fast) Release(monitor, exclusive) Restock(exclusive) Restock(fast): Suggest to run for non cartable restocks. Restock(monitor, exclusive) Raffle mode Raffle checkout Raffle Check Gift Card Activation Session Account test Orders Fetcher Plus activation
Profile: Select one of your profile groups
Account: Select the account group where account will be taken
Proxy: Select the proxy list that you prefer DCs proxies are preferred for zalando, but pay attention, most of them are banned (This lead to "Checkout failed" (proxy banned at checkout) it stand to you to find the best proxies provider that works with your accounts and region.
Payment method Cash on delivery is disabled during Hype zalando drops (but not during random restocks). The best payment methods that you can use for drops is paypal (PayPal ACO active suggested). For Zalando NO, you can use also Vipps. Klarna, Pay Later Ideal bank IDs: ABN AMRO: ABN_AMRO_BANK ASN Bank: ASN_BANK bunq: BUNQ_BANK ING: ING_BANK Knab: KNAB_BANK N26: N26 Nationale Nederlanden: NATIONALE_NEDERLANDEN Rabobank: RABOBANK RegioBank: SNS_REGIO_BANK Revolut: REVOLUT SNS Bank: SNS_BANK Triodos Bank: TRIODOS_BANK Van Lanschot: VAN_LANSCHOT_BANKIERS yoursafe: YOURSAFE
N. tasks Allow you to decide the number of tasks to create, in the case of Zalando this is limited to the number of accounts you have in the account group.
Schedule You can use this option to schedule the time to start the tasks, once this option is set the bot will automatically start the tasks at the scheduled time.
Discount Discount list (check Discounts section of the guide)
Paste links Here you have to insert a links of sneakers you're interested in. If more sneakers are dropping at the same time you can insert more than one link. For each inserted link you will have to select the sizes in the clicking on the sneaker icon. All the choosed item will be show as in the following pic.
Sizes You can chose task clicking the sneaker icon.
Dummy Dummy product used for precart (not mandatory, use it only if you have error or weird stuck during the preload procedure)
If you want to use invoice payment method for countries NL/BE you need to set birthdate in additional field and format is YYYY-MM-DD
Price Limit In monitor you can now setup price limit on item or items.
Auto newsletter confirmation on registration simply select imap of the email connected to the one used to generated and bot will auto confirm the newsletter subscription in countries where confirmation is needed
Product must be not exclusive (notcartable) this mode is suggested for non cartable drops.
Add zalando group and name it once you have it, press button ADD TASK
At first you have to choose proxy, then paste link by clicking on PASTE LINK
Select country you want to run (must match the profile one)
Choose your account group
You can select discount code group if discounts still working in your region
Number of tasks : Number of your accounts.
Payment Methode: Invoice or Cash on Delivery is suggested also pre payment, if not avaible in your country, use Paypal.
Put dummy, (must be not exclusive) that means that you can buy it with normal account not cartable only
Enable one checkout if you wan only one checkout
Delays : Delays
Additional parameters:
Stop after: Number of minutes the task will run the product after the initial release
Start before: Number of seconds the task will start trying ATC before the drop time
Select size: Select the size range you want (Sizing based on shoe)
Products can be either normal or exclusive, the difference between the two stay in the ATC and checkout procedure on zalando side.
According to the product type you have to run normal or exclusive modes.
You will be notified on the PanAIO discord server if a dropping product is either normal or exclusive
To run exclusive modes you need to set an exclusive dummy product in the tasks under the "dummy" field.
To recognise if an available product is exclusive check the add-to-cart button in the product page, if it shows "Buy now" then the product is exclusive, if it shows "add to cart" the product is normal.
Remember to check suggested delays
Exclusive modes now fully support multiple item per task, this means that you can put many items in a single task
If you run Release(exclusive) mode is suggested to setup each one of your tasks with the list of all the drops you want to run that day. This way you can start the tasks before the first drop and leave them go until the end of them. • Leave the "Start Before" parameter to the default value (Should be 3 seconds) • Tune the "Stop after" parameter according to how much time you want to run the product after initial release. When the "Stop after" value you set is meet, the task will pause and wait for the next drop timer. If you want to run until the next product is released, set the "Stop after" parameter so that the task will stop 1/2 minutes before the next release. [Example: If you run a sneaker at 10:30 and the next one is at 10:50, the max value for the "stop after" parameter for the sneaker dropping at 10:30 will be 18 or 19 minutes]
The "waiting" status will not save your proxy data totally (even if it drains only a small amount). If you want to reduce the waste, you can increase your delay to an high value. Keep in mind that delay is measured in "ms" and the bot will actually wait at least want time that amount. Therefore, make your calculations and never set a value that exceeds the time left before the start of the next drop you want to run.
These new modes have a different handling from Release(exclusive) and Restock(exclusive) but it's all bot side. If you want to run monitor modes, you should just follow what is written in the above paragraph but with different delays.
With this mode you can parcitipate in zalando raffles, accounts are required to make an entry. You need to only select your account group, profile, proxies and select how many tasks.
Once you paste product you can select sizes you want to enter.
Session mode is used to make accounts login and store the logged in sessions. In this way you won't waste any proxy data for unnecessary operations such as setting payment method, preload ecc. To setup Session mode you only need to select the country, profile, account group and proxies, other fields are not used.
Delays do not matter for this mode.
Create account sessions, whenever you have time, far from drop it is easier to makes account login. Use the Auto restart option to have better chance to login.
Use this mode to active plus trial subscription into your account. This mode avoid to do preload and other useless steps for plus activation. Check Additional task options to understand how to automatically confirm plus subscription via PayPal auto checkout.
Delays do not matter for this mode
This mode will extract all the orders from your account in the selected region. Order information will be reported into your webhook.
Delays do not matter for this mode
download invoices option: with this option enabled the bot will download the invoices and put them inside a folder with the name of the task group inside the panaio folder
Export to csv: with this option it will create a csv file with orders info into the panaio folder, filename will be in the format zalando-country-taskgroupname-orders.csv
This mode is used to make purchases on raffle wins.
This mode is used to get Zalando Discounts, reading your Email
Bot will read all the discounts on a certain email using IMAP and it will load them into the group based on the selected country, duplicated discounts are automatically removed.
This mode is used to check accounts if they won raffle, in case your account won, credentials will be send via discord webhook.
This mode is used to activate gift cards on zalando.
Bot will now add the same gift card to multiple accounts without deleting if unlimited is set in the discount section, if you still want to delete gift cards after one application set one into the discount usage
Ignore 3rd party: This option only works with monitor modes, if selected, bot will only checkout if an item is sold by Zalando or by trusted partners like Nike or New Balance.
Overwrite address: Overwrite the default address in the account with the one contained in the profile you are using
Subscribe plus: Enable the free zalando plus trial if available.
Unsubscribe plus: Disable zalando plus subscription avoiding the auto-renewal
Auto restart: Auto restart the task after the login failed status, this functionality will help making the zalando sessions (Pay attention when using it, may drain many proxy datas)
Pickup station: If active set the shipping to the nearest available pickup station (according to your profile address infos)
Premium delivery: Use this to get less chances of getting your order canceled, also with this option you have better packaging.
Stop on discount error: It will stop task if there is issue with discount.
The module is now supporting the "Pickup station" option. It can be useful not only in the case you're not home and you can't receive your packages, but also to split some tasks between your own address and one or more pickup stations in your area.
At the moment not all Countries are supported. The bot will return an error if your choice is not available.
Cash on delivery (COD) is not working in combination with Pickup station option.
Zalando is doing exclusive drop reserved to Plus member only. Plus Membership drops are available on in IT, FR, DE, NL regions.
By enabling the plus option the bot will try to active the zalando plus free monthly trial. You have to confirm submission by using paypal. You can confirm in 2 ways:
Use PayPal webhook: Open each link from the webhook and confirm the plus sign up
Use PayPal auto checkout: Initialize your paypal session and set "webhook" in the "paypal" field ans "ACO" to "Active" in the task group settings, it will confirm plus subscriptions automatically. Be sure tho have a default payment method set in your PayPal account settings.
To active plus, you can use release(exclusive) or release(monitor, exclusive) modes with the "subscribe plus" option enabled, otherwise you can use the Plus Activation mode
When you will paste the product link inside the task a pop up will be opened: There you can decide to paste the link at plus drop time, normal drop time, or both.
PanAIO allows you to test cartability of the accounts in your account group. The tester has to be set up like in the image below:
YOU NEED TO INPUT A PRODUCT DUMMY -please note that with the new Zalando system not all the exclusive item are restricted so you need to make sure that the item that you are testing is restricted to have a valid result
You don't need to set anything else for account testing.
Once you created your tasks all you have to do is to run them. Cartable accounts will be kept in the account group, non cartable accounts will be removed. Account mode will also store the logged sessions for your accounts.
The retry delay in test mode is used to specify the number of ATC the task has to perform (this will help you testing the accounts since many of them may take a huge number of ATC to cart an item). As you can read a few lines below, the suggested value is 2.
Hint: If you want to keep all the accounts (cartable and non cartable) in any case, export your account group before starting the procedure.
In release and restock mode:
Restock Delay
→ It is the delay between consecutive chekout request. It is the delay used when the tasks are in the "retrying..:" status.
Cart Delay
→ It's the time between consecutive ATC requests. It is the delay used when tasks are in the "retying ATC.." status.
Release/ Restock modes:
Restock -> 800
Cart -> 500
Release(exclusive) / Restock(exclusive) modes:
Restock -> 2000/3000
Cart -> 1000/1500
Release(monitor, exclusive) / Restock(monitor, exclusive) modes:
Restock -> 500/800
Cart -> 1000/1500
In account test mode:
Restock Delay
→ It is the delay between consecutive ATC.
Cart Delay
→ It is the maximum number of ATC the task will try before determining that the account is not able to cart hyped items
Suggested values: Restock -> 2000 Cart -> 2
As already mentioned, paypal is a good and recommened payment method for drops (not for restocks). To make the paypal checkout process as fast as possible initialize the paypal session before the drop start
To initialize the paypal session you can simply click on the paypal harvester button, it's highly suggested to use paypal ACO for zalando checkout as paypal doesn't reserve products in your cart. (You can active it in the group settings )
It may happen sometime during releases to receive no webhook after a cop. This is a pain because you won't have the paypal link to pay your products.
A possible solution to get the link is to go in the analytics section of the bot, there you will find the paypal link of all your zalando checkouts
To copy the link you just have to click on the cart figure highlighted in yellow in the image below
Retrying preload 200 -> You need to use a custom instock dummy for the tasks
Login Failed -> Akamai block at login, try with restarting tasks many times with residential proxies (cheap if possible)
Wrong Credentials -> Accounts credentials are wrong or the account has been clipped
Retrying init 429 -> Task initialization failed cause of rate limit, wait 1 minute for it to pass or restart the tasks (try also changing proxies)
Request Error -> Task request failed, it may solve by itself after some time, if it doesn't restart the task
Retrying address fetch 429 -> Task can't fetch addresses cause of a rate limit, wait 1 minute or change proxies and restart the task
Retrying fetch 429 -> Task got rate limited while fetching the cart, wait 1 minute for it to pass or restart trying to change the proxies
Proxy error timed out -> Task couldn't connect because of bad proxy, change it
Invalid address -> Something is wrong with your address, try to set the same address manually and check what is the problem
No account available -> You are running more accounts then tasks, or accounts are already assigned in another group (Restart the bot always fix this)
Retrying ATC -> The task is trying to cart the product, if the account is cartable it will go to the "retrying.." status after some time
Checkout failed -> Account session is no longer good at checkout or proxy is banned by the bot protection, try to clear session of the account having the problem, if it doesn't fix then your proxies are banned at checkout
COMMON STUCK ISSUES PayPal ACO doesn't work -> Be sure to have a default payment method set in your PayPal account. Paypal ACO do not work with AMEX CreditCards set as default payment method
Stuck on preloading task -> You have to change the dummy used in the task
Stuck on starting -> Check if your proxies are fine, Check if the file gpus-16-06-2021.txt is missing from the panaio folder, download from this thread and put it in the panaio folder and restart the bot.
Stuck on clearing cart -> If you have "enable plus" option active in tasks, then this message means that the free plus trial has already been used for that account and it is expired.