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1) Create Account Group
Click on button ADD. Now you can see small window, name the group and choose Myntra as site and click green button. If you have Accounts, on the left bottom click on add accounts. Put PHONE NUMBER and Password or if you have more accounts, click on the arrow to the right and put phone number:password in following format, then click green buttton. IF YOU HAVE YOUR OWN ACCOUNTS YOU NEED TO LOGIN MANUALLY VIA SESSION PURPLE BUTTON in accounts section
2) Generate Accounts on Myntra part 1
At first you need SMS activate API key. If you do not have provider or you do not know how it works, i will show you. Create account on Top up Credit, you can use stripe and put there money, myntra costs 6 accs / 10 ₽ (russian currency) After you have money there, go to API section, click on generate key and you will recieve it via email. Copy it and put that key in settings in PanAIO SMS activate.
3) Generate Accounts on Myntra part 2
Now when you have your api key setuped you are ready to generate accounts, by clicking ADD button, choose myntra site and name generator as you want. Click green button. Now in the bottom of the bot click on ADD GENERATOR Choose profile from profiles, which will be used for myntra account. Choose account group,put your email or catchall and password in requested format of Myntra i think at least 8 characters. Choose Proxy and quantity how many accounts you want to generate. Once you are done click on green button and then press another green button RUN ALL if you want to stop you can press RESET ALL and if you want to change email or proxy etc press EDIT ALL Once you successfully generated your accounts you will see them in Account Group section.
4) Creating Task Group and Tasks for Myntra. Task Panel :
Monitor Panel:
Go to the + section on top next to PanAIO logo. Click on ADD choose Myntra site and name it as you want. Do not pay attention on Start Delays and choose webhook. Otherwise it will use webhook from Profile if have one there. Click green button. Now in the bottom click on button ADD TASK, you will see new window, choose account group, proxy if you using, task number (must be same or less than accounts.) Put there link and select sizes you want run (UK sizing), if you do not care just click on ALL. You can enable ONE CHECKOUT if you want only one pair and you can use OVERWRITE ADRESS if you want to use different adress then before. Now you can click green button. When you want to start your tasks, click on green button on bottom RUN ALL if you want stop tasks click on STOP ALL if you want to delete click on red button. You can also edit all tasks, but you need to stop tasks before, edit and start again. PASTE URL is when you running but you do not have link and you waiting for link and once you have that link you just copy it and click on it and it will put automatically, but you need to have your tasks ran. 5) General info Delays: 600-1000 Proxies: Best is to use DCs or ISPs Statuses: Retrying.. is good, it means that bot is running like it should. If you will see other status, open ticket. Description of picture under: Table: How many tasks you have in group Runner: How many tasks you run. Green checkpoint : How many pairs you bought. Cart: How many times you carted. Payment method: UPI or CASH ON DELIVERY