Adidas task creation guide
Last updated
Adidas task creation guide
Last updated
-Guest mode: The reccomended mode, checkouts directly as guest.
-Account: Similar to Guest Mode, but requires accounts.
-Raffle: Use this mode for raffle items and cart reserved drops.
-Order Fetcher: This mode will extract all the orders from your account in the selected region. Order information will be reported into your webhook. Delays do not matter for this mode.
-Newsletter Unsubscribe:
Download Invoices Option: with this option enabled the bot will download the invoices and put them inside a folder with the name of the task group inside the panaio folder
Export to csv: with this option it will create a csv file with orders info into the panaio folder, filename will be in the format adidas-country-taskgroupname-orders.csv
Newsletter unsubscribe: you can use this mode to disable Adidas newsletters emails
Country : Country you are going to run.
Profile : Your profile group.
Account : Adidas account group previously created.
Proxy : Use residential proxies or DC // ISP.
Payment Method: Cash on Delivery,Instore,Paypal,Paypal Express,AFTERPAY,Klarna,UPI,NETBANKING,Przelewy24,Ideal,Credit Card
Sizes: Select sizes (EU sizes for EU and AU, you must compare to match right size, US sizing for the REST)
Paste link / pid: Paste link of your product/products you want to monitor.
Webhook: Disable if you do not want notification about restock detection or enable if you want.
Country: Select Country you want to run.
Proxy: Select proxies you want to run.
Adidas Best payment method: AFTERPAY -> AU COD -> MY/VN/TH INSTORE -> EU/UK KLARNA -> EU (not working in PL/SE/GB) Przelewy24 -> PL (carthold) PAYPAL -> ALL (except IN) UPI -> IN NETBANKING -> IN GIFT CARD -> select gift card payment mehtod and put the gift card in a discount group with the format number-pin, giftcard is available only in some countries like Germany and Poland it's not available in Italy gift card should not get canceled orders you can get gift cards directly from the adidas site
If you are using Ideal payment method you need to put bank names into additional field of profile
ABN AMRO ASN Bank ING Knab N26 Nationale-Nederlanden Rabobank Regiobank Revolut SNS Bank Triodos Van Lanschot Kempen Yoursafe bunq Adidas AU
At first compare sizes with EU and US and,Use EU sizing for picking sizes in AU or use random by clicking on all.
All is same as above except payment method, you can use Paypal or COD
Payment Method: for adidas IN you can use NETBANKING but use UPI as payment method until you reach daily limit (around 1lakh=1135eur)
In contact details you have to use code of your bank, here is the list:
Put these codes in region:
Monitor and wait tasks let you monitor a lot of products without using a lot of proxy usage and low ratelimit. Monitors and wait tasks this is example how to make monitor tasks. On Adidas it is same you just have to use adidas products links or pids.
Select country you want to run
Select RAFFLE mode
Select your profile groups
Select proxies
Payment method: Paypal/Credit Card, if you run paypal be sure you have latest version of Installing PanAIO extensionalso you can use Paypal ACO
Select how many tasks you want to run
Put there link or pid in LINK column
Select sizes
1account = 1profile = 1task
Use residential proxies
Select EU sizes if you are from EU, for other regions use US sizing or select all for random
One card per entry, always use different in next entry
Jig your adress
403 = restart tasks / bot should retry automatically on this error
select error 500 = restart tasks
Refreshing session: Bot is trying to cart even if item is out of stock.