Queue IT
Queue IT task groups and tasks creation.
Last updated
Queue IT task groups and tasks creation.
Last updated
The queue it module allows you to create a massive number of tasks for all the drops based on the QueueIT system. Once the queue has been passed you will have to perform ATC and checkout manually.
Create Group: QueueIT
Mode: Spawn or Webhook.
Proxy: Use DC/ISP and cheap residential proxies
Make sure to set Default Captcha solver for Text Captcha in the bot settings (choose AnyCaptcha, Anticaptcha or 2Captcha). Check Set default captcha solvers.
If there is only text captcha you do not need captcha solver because bot is solving it by itself.
N. task: No tasks limit, can easlily run 1000/2000/3000 tasks. It will be easier to pass the queue.
Max position : Set this if you want to stop tasks that are above on the position that you set.
Link: Use the link we will post in the upcoming-drops channel
SPAWN, will automatically spawn a page on the website once you have passed queue.
WEBHOOK, you will need to "open" the task that passed queue from webhook (Need PanAio extension to use this mode). To access the queue passed page from your browser you'll have to open the "cookies url" contained in the webhook you received in a google chrome page, then click on the panaio extension, you'll get redirected to the product page.
Run all the DC/ISP you have. For the queue it is good to have 1:3 proxy tasks ratio. If you don't have enough DC/ISP to cover all the tasks it is convenient to use also cheap residential proxies, in order to not burn too much expensive data.
Many sites may restrict the access to some proxies after the queue have been passed. So it is always suggested to perform 1 checkout only with a single proxy. Expecially if you are using webhook mode, rememeber to switch proxy in your browser for each checkout.
Fo queueIT drops, queue opening time is tipically known in advance. Once you know the queue will be open start preparing your setup.
Create the tasks following the links in the #upcoming-drops discord channel
Check if you have a default solver set for text captchas in the bot settings (if not, set it)
Start your tasks 15 minutes before the queue opens (Not earlier)
Wait for the tasks to pass the queue
Complete the checkout procedure directly from the page the bot spawned (if you use spawn) or from your browser by opening the cookie url and clicking on the panaio extension.